PhD fellowship on kissing bug chemical ecology/LLAMADO A CONCURSO PARA BECA DOCTORAL DE ANPCyT


The Laboratorio de Estudio de la Biología de Insectos (LEBI, CICyTTP- CONICET, Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina) offers a 3-year renewable fellowship to a graduate Biology student to carry out a PhD on kissing bug chemical ecology. Motivated candidates of any nationality and less than 35 years old can apply. A competitive salary is offered. This team-project consists on physiological, behavioral and ecological studies aiming at understanding how the nervous system of kissing bugs (triatomines, vectors of Chagas disease) processes odor information, optimize an odor attractant based on a mixture of host odors, and develop an odor-baited trap to detect kissing bugs in the field with high sensitivity. The ultimate aim of the project is to develop a tool for monitoring the presence of the bugs in the field and thus, prevent bug colonization of human dwellings.


To apply, request recent publications, or for any questions, please write to: (Dr. Pablo Guerenstein)-


To access the call (in Spanish) click here: llamado-beca-pict-2015-3260-alaeq.


To know more about the project visit: