The association was formalized during the 6th Brazilian Meeting of Chemical Ecology (held from December 1-4, 2009 in Viçosa, MG). The minutes of the founding act can be accessed here (Portuguese version only). The bylaws which were approved by the General Assembly held during the 1st ALAEQ meeting in Uruguay in October 2010, can be downloaded here (Spanish version).
The Association met for its second ALAEQ meeting in 2012 in Córdoba, Argentina, and in 2014 in Bogotá, Colombia. Both meetings were highly successful, both academically and socially, with 120-150 participants and excellent academic programs. Before each meeting (2nd and 3rd), online elections were held to partially renovate the board, and the executive committee and the general assembly of members met during the meetings. The 2016 meeting was the first joint ALAEQ-ISCE meeting and was in Foz de Iguazú, Brasil. Two years after, the meeting was in Valparaiso (Chile). The 6th meeting of our association was in 2021 in virtual monde due to the COVID-19 restrictions. We happy to annouce that the next meeting will be held in December 4-7, 2023 in Buenos Aires.